Wednesday, October 16, 2019

new album Ramos by Luciane Cardassi

My piece memorial do granito, for piano and electronic sounds was released as part of Ramos, brazilian pianist Luciane Cardassi's new album, published by Canadian label Redshift Music society and now available in all digital platforms, like Apple Music, Deezer, Spotify and Bandcamp. The album features pieces for piano and electronics written for her by composers Rafael de Oliveira, Edson Zampronha, Maria Eduarda Mendes Martins, Paulo Guicheney, Rodrigo Meine and Paulo Rios Filho.

This is how Cardassi describes her new album:

"Ramos showcases seven works created in collaboration with seven Brazilian composers, exploring new ways to relate to and reflect upon today’s world, including the creative processes themselves. These works were initially part of a broader 10-year project – entitled Going North – through which I developed a number of collaborations with composers from my native country, Brazil, along with those from my adopted country, Canada. The seven pieces recorded here all challenged and expanded my roles as a pianist and as a performer. They required me to make use of my voice in new ways, and to develop new methods to promote synchronicity with the electronic media. The creative processes that led to this program continued into the recording and production of the album itself, in collaboration with audio engineer Amandine Pras. I am deeply grateful to each of the composers who embarked on this journey with me, and hope that the listening experience for you will be as rewarding as the creative processes were for us." 

Have a nice listening!